October 7, 2009

Do not read.. not important!!

My direct boss got promoted, just yesterday. So he'll become my direct big boss (two levels up). He will replace our Indian boss who will move to other function.

The connection with this wedding blog..??

When I asked to him: "when you will officially be moved?"

There's a reply: "Not before you're gettin married.. "

Hoaalaaah..menohok kami kira..

Dari dulu gosip gw mau married udah dia denger,selalu aja dia tanya "kapan ris, kapan??" Dan dia ngomong ke our Indian boss, kalo gw mau married in a very short time (which akhirnya gw musti masukin menu roti canai di menu stall kita..hahaha ga ding..)

Nah..tau-taunya,sampe dia promote dan mau pindah ke HO (Head Office red), gw masih belum kasih undangan.. penasaran kami kira..

Sabar ya pak.. :)

And sorry to you guys.. Postingan tidak penting, mohon di abaikan saja.. Hehehe.

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