October 10, 2009

Will go to "The Haven.."

Pucuk di cinta ulam tiba..

Kemarin, my dear friend, jeung putri email gw:

"Sab, new corporate rate for hotel in Seminyak. Check this out"

And yay..

Hotel inceran kita (gw lebih tepatnya).

THE HAVEN..(yang gosipnya bath & bed roomnya hanya di lapisi kaca, which will make me ups Belm happoy..)

Internet ratenya sama kayak Uma Sapna. Which is kita gak mampu..hehehe..

But now sangat affordable..

Mayaan.. Another saving :)

Dan sudah langsung capcus di booking ajah..

Yeaaah.. We will go to haven.. We will go to haven..



Nita said...

risss.. mau dooong aku blm dapet hotel nih buat honeymoon di bali :D email yah ke nitasoesabdo@gmail.com thanks dahling!

.:Riska said...

Nitaaa..sudah ku email langsung ya say :)