”kekecilan, warnanya di ganti aja, di kasih warna gold, di tambah tulisan Bismillah, di kasih underline aja”While, yang satu lagi mengsekusi..
” oo kekecilan, Ok, segini cukup, iya juga, warna putih dan gold lebih bagus, hmm gimana ya cara tulis huruf Arab, yang mana yang di underline, oh yang ini.. ok..”
Tema e – invitation kita ini adalah ” The Movie - Poster”. Itu looh.. reklame atau poster untuk film atau sinetron (oh please!!). Dan e – invitation ini akan di kirimkan via email, facebook, friendster, dan teman – temannya.
Tadinya pengen buat web invitation yang ada flashnya, tapi ternyata range harganya 500 k – 1 juta (via temen adek gw). Hmm.. takada budget, sedang bangkrut pula.. So jadilah dibuat dengan tangan sendiri aja. Dibuat sesimple mungkin tapi esensinya tetep dapat.
Just enjoy…
( hope you like it as much as we heart this e-invite, don’t compare it to the high class e – invi, just dalami maknanya *hasil usaha keras 2 anak gaptek* hehehe)

This e – invi already circulated to our far far away best friends & relatives (1 month before)..
And some of their comments re. the invi:
“You two really make a very nice couple and are looking extremely good together in the picture. I really like your invitation card - it's really beautiful.” – Rafia, Bangladesh
"Congratulations! I've never seen a wedding photo so natural like this. I love it!! :) "– Ling, Thailand
"Congratulations! Lovely photo. Have a great day…" - Justin Eliott, London
"The invitation picture is so great, beyond any compliment for the good looking of the new couples." – Jim Gao, China
"Beautiful bride and groom ^.^" - My Hanh, Vietnam
You and your hubby look so young :) and you look really pretty in e pic :):)" –Michelle, S’pore
"Congratulations!!! I like the invite. It looks like you are in an advertisement for Molto? (that is a compliment)." – Ian Barty, S’pore
"Undangannya keren,...cakep." – Pak Basuki, UK.
And finally
"Buuu, foto kamu sama Belm indihe sekali :P ahhahahaha" –Tenny, Cikarang
Thanks guys.. We appreciate all your comments & compliments *senang karena baru pertama kali buat yang beginian*
Please pray for us.. since we're gettin married in..
Next two weeks!! ( wo hooo..)
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